"Let the might of heavens rain down upon you"

Aliea, the Seraphim of Eloi is a fierce combatant who fights with holy fervor and an unmatched sense of duty. With the ability to heal her teammates, cow her foes and prevent them from attacking, and send her enemies back with the swing of her heavenly sword, Aliea is duty-bound to aid all those who call upon her in battle, a fact some of the best Guardians of the Arena have not overlooked.
Most cultures embrace the idea of the “Guardian Angel,” but in the case of Aleia and her winged people, nothing better describes what they are. Her home planet, Eloi, is characterized by the lack of hard ground and copious clouds. Unlike most gas giants, however Eloi has virtually no discernible weather patterns. The clouds hardly move at all and the sun is always shining. Eloi history speaks of their sky-borne cities and dwellings as having always existed. No serious study of their past has been able to explain just how these cities were built or how the Eloi evolved as a species.
Aliea is a Seraphim of Eloi. Seraphim are the closest the Eloi have to a military. Although they lack the organization and hierarchical structure of a typical military, the Seraphim of Eloi are driven by an uncanny dedication and fervor to protect their people and their allies. Eloi has never been invaded by a foreign power, but people often call upon the Eloi to aid in their defense. Seraphim are charged with the protection of the meek, a mission carried out with righteous ardor. Over the centuries, other races have enlisted their aid to save their lives and defend their homeworlds. In every instance, the other races are saved. The Seraphim of Eloi have simply never lost a battle.
Aliea happened upon the Arena of Heroes somewhat by chance. In an intense battle, Ivan called upon the Eloi for protection. Although Ivan’s utterance was used as a figure of speech, the fact that he was engaged in battle summoned Aliea to the Arena. Aliea descended to aid Ivan, tipped the scales, and won the battle. Although completely against the rules, the Guardians of the Arena began to call upon Aliea as well, and she was duty-bound to aid them.
Aliea is everything one would expect from a Seraphim of Eloi. She is driven to heal, protect, and drive away the enemies of her friends with zeal. Aleia is also an experienced combatant herself, wielding her heavenly sword with the skill only centuries of training and use can supply. She floats about the battlefield upon her wings, dispensing fiery justice and tipping the balance of any battle to her favor. Everything she does is in the name of justice and in the name of the Eloi.

Aliea brandishes her blade unleashing a wave of righteous power that damages and knocks back her foes.

Aliea imbues an ally with the fury and protection of the Eloi – healing them and increasing their critical strike chance.

Aliea calls on the Divine to guide her allies, healing all in an area around.

Aliea consecrates an area of the battlefield, rendering enemies unable to use abilities or attacks.