Lily is an archer without equal. Her skill with bow and arrow have astounded audiences for years. The poison that coats her arrows is highly dangerous - limiting the movement and applying damage over time effects to her victims. She can also launch a volley of arrows in the air to rain poison death. All this, she does from great range and with an impish grin.
Lily was born into a cadre of entertainers who travel from star to star performing acts and selling exotic goods. Her mother was a woman of many talents, including singing, dancing, and especially walking the highrope. Lily’s father was an apothecary who sold home-brewed remedies for common and uncommon ailments to the masses and occasional illegal poisons or magical potion to select clientele.
From a young age, Lily was endowed with a flair for the dramatic and an impish disposition. She was always getting into trouble. Unleashing pests in a tavern’s larder or wooing meat pies from the baker’s son were standard fare for Lily – she reveled in every minor agitation she could cause.
She gravitated to the bow and arrow after seeing a man hunt with them on a planet called Vidia. She bet the Vidian hunter his very bow that she could shoot a cockatoo out of the air mid-flight. The hunter lost, and Lily began to practice with her bow immediately – compounding her natural-born talent with years of practice.
It was these two things led to her abandonment. When a dead boy was found with an arrow in his back, the townsfolk blamed Lily and demanded her head. The cadre quickly whisked her away to safety, but at their next stop, they left her behind. The Cadre couldn’t have that kind of trouble. Her parents seemed almost relieved to let her go.
Undaunted and guiltless, Lily struck out on her own, performing feats of archery in front of many tantalized crowds. She gained quite a bit of fame and then was approached by a Guardian of the Arena. Now she fights to prove her innocence and cause even more mischief than ever before.

Type: Single Target
Lilly fires off a quick arrow to pierce the target.
(Ignores all defenses.)
Type:Single Target
Range: Long
Damage: 45

Type: AoE, Line
Lilly fires off a poison arrow that embeds itself in the enemy target, dealing damage over time and reducing movement.
(Ignores all defenses. Dots ignore defenses.)
Type: Single target, DoT
Range: Medium +/Medium +/Long/ Long +
Dot: 20/25/30/40
Slow %: 25/25/50/50

Type: AoE, Cone
Lilly fires a volley of arrows into the air. When they land they deal damage to all enemies in the area.
(Dots ignore defenses.)
Type: AoE
Range: Medium/Medium +/Medium + +/Medium + +
Radius: Short/Short/Medium/Medum
Damage: 50/70/90/110
Dot: 30/30/40/50
Focus: 150/160/170/180

Type: Single Target, Ally
Lilly rockets a high velocity, poisonous arrow at a target that explodes in a cloud, dealing damage to all foes around the target.
(Dont have enogh focus to use until lvl 3.)
Type: Aoe
Range: Huge + +/Huge + +/Huge + +/Huge + +
Damage: 110/140/170/200
Focus: 230/240/250/260
Stats per level, crit # 65, crit % 5[]
1: HP 238 Focus 200 Defense 6
2: HP 258 Focus 220 Defense 7
3: HP 278 Focus 240 Defense 8
4: HP 298 Focus 260 Defense 9
5: HP 318 Focus 280 Defense 10
6: HP 338 Focus 300 Defense 11
7: HP 358 Focus 320 Defense 12
8: HP 378 Focus 340 Defense 13
9: HP 398 Focus 360 Defense 14
10: HP 418 Focus 380 Defense 15